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January, February, & March Reads

Samantha Romine

Is it April already? How did that happen? I'm pretty sure Christmas was, like, two days ago.

If I'm not mistaken, I've only completed two books so far this year. TWO. Let that mind-blowing number sink in for a minute...

Okay, you're not impressed. What if I told you that I began, and gave up on, a dozen different books? So, really, in quitter world, that's 14 books I've conquered in only three months. I'm basically killing it if we count not having any perseverance whatsoever.

Thanks, Neil deGrasse Tyson! You just get me.


My whopping TWO January, February, and March Reads:

THE WELL OF ASCENSION (Mistborn, #2) by Brandon Sanderson

Well, well, well...what to say about this book? (If that pun was too cheesy for you, let's both pretend it didn't happen. I'm cool with that.)

I LOVED the first Mistborn book, THE FINAL EMPIRE. It is hands-down a five-star book in my opinion. I didn't quite feel the same way about THE WELL OF ASCENSION. Where the first book left me feeling super content upon turning the final page, the second book left me with an odd, funny feeling that I couldn't quite place. However, don't get me wrong--I still enjoyed it. Sanderson is a fabulous writer. I can't wait to see how he pulls everything together in the final book of this trilogy.

Sanderson, I still love you.


THE KISS QUOTIENT (The Kiss Quotient, #1) by Helen Hoang

When I checked out this ebook, I thought I was checking out a light romcom. I know, I know...I'm an idiot. I really should have read the blurb or a review. I did read the quotes on the front cover. So, you know, at least I read something.

In March, when I saw THE KISS QUOTIENT while scrolling my library app, I thought, Why not? I mean, look at that cover! It just screams, "Adorable romcom!" Doesn't it? I also remembered seeing a few advertisements for THE KISS QUOTIENT during the last couple of years, but I never paid attention to the premise...or the genre, apparently. I think it's safe to say that advertising works on me. I'm basically one of those mindless, headphone-wearing fans from Josie and the Pussycats.

I very quickly found out that this book is not a light romcom, but an exceptionally steamy romance instead. So, naturally, I had to read the whole thing.

THE KISS QUOTIENT ended up being super adorable. I totally recommend this book to anyone looking for a cute, erotic romance. Can you use the word "cute" when describing an erotic romance? I have no idea, but I'm going to because I am the overlord of this blog.

*...and mic drop*

Happy Reading,



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